Thursday, November 28, 2019

Mass Media Communication and the Transmission Effects on Religious Beliefs Essay Example

Mass Media Communication and the Transmission Effects on Religious Beliefs Essay Abstract In recent years, religion has been in conflict over the association to the television for several different reasons. One of the most important reasons for this connection is the availability to project a topic or subject to the public in a large setting without leaving the church. However, the older styles of religions do not support this type of modern technology due to the lack of the personnel factor that is included in many religious teachings. Many of the modern religions have taken to this type of display because of the benefits that are available. Support for this style of information issemination is clearly expressed by modern religion figures. Recent religious fgures can be quoted as saying, Religion and media are overlapping social processes producing and interpreting symbols and rituals through which people express and contest social meaning including their relationship to the transcendent or sacred. (Campbell, 2010) This message was delivered from Pope John Paul II for the 23rd World Communications Day in 1989, The question confronting the Church today in not any longer whether the man in the street can grasp a religious message, but how to mploy the communications media so as to let him have the full impact of the gospel message. (Paulus PP. , 1989) Mass media has gained significant ground as the go to source of accurate news and information. This form of communication has become heavily entwined with current reli gion events. 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The relationship between mass media and religion has been predictable throughout history; uninterested parties on both sides. While media mediums have evolved throughout history, the relationship has deep roots in history. Reports involving religion almost always are part of bigger more newsworthy events. The focus on the core meaning of a religions belief infrastructure has become increasingly more unstable as digital Journalism has grown. The grey area that has developed between media and religion is enormous. Religion and media are overlapping social processes producing and interpreting symbols and rituals through which people express and contest social meaning including their relationship to the transcendent or sacred. (Campbell, 2010) Where does the division take place within in todays generation? What defines the core belief system of religion and the path of attainment? Even though the modern form of mass media can be seen as positively impacting religion by providing a new and modern outlook. Mass media can also be presentations lose the core beliefs that provide infrastructure and are projected ur ing transmission. There have been numerous debates regarding the ethical reporting delivered from media sources and the responsibility of public perception. Many religious fgures demand that media outlets take towards reporting religious affairs. Currently, the question of whose responsibility is it to make certain that in the middle of news worthy religious event, the accuracy of the religious integrity of reports? In theoretical study completed by S. H. Hosseini, he notes Major efforts have been exhausted bringing religion closer to media (rather than bringing media closer o religion), or to break down the traditional boundaries between the religious and the media. (Kaur, 2009) The importance of the gaining viewers and creating increased rating has over shadowed the impact of many historical events. Media has relayed a continuous message of possession equals fulfillment, including religion. Scholars continue to argue the association between religion and the media. Stolow stated that Consumption is a part of religious life when one buys a book by a spiritual teacher, or pays for a child to attend a religious school. But, the onsumption approach to religion suggests that it is not necessary to read the book or for the child to pay attention or for some religious end to be served. (Stolow 2008) Opinions like his have raised debates questioning the core belief of religion and the transmission of these beliefs. He further questions media effects of the sacredness of religion, Certainly, media in all their economic, symbolic, performative and techno- prosthetic dimensions, have become central to the terms of interaction within and among the embodied regimes and imagined worlds that constitute the sacred (Stolow 2008). ETHICS of Journalism With the shifting of focus towards conflict in religion as newsworthy, where do the ethical aspects come into play for Journalist and news reporting agencies? In 2001 Doug Underwood found answers. Published in the Journal of Mass Media, Underwood set out to determine if the basic moral and ethical admonitions found in the Judeo-Christian tradition still hold their authority with the modern news media, even among the most irreverent and contrarian of Journalists. (Underwood, 2001) The following table illustrates his results. (Table 1 . ) Underwoods findings revealed an overall consensus that Journalist possessed strong Table 1 . Source of Journalists Ethical Values 1 (Not at All) 2 3 (Some) 4 5 (A Great Deal) to want to explicitly connect their professional principles only with Christian teaching. Focus on Positive Communications Mass media has provided religion with a constructive venue to gain more visibility, support and membership ofa particular faith. One religion that has experience both sides of media advancements is Catholicism. The Census of the 2012 Annuario Pontificio, translated to the Pontifical Yearbook, published the number of Roman Catholics in the world was ab out 1. 2 billion at the end of 2010. These numbers atapult the Church and the leaders According to the Pew Research Center, Pope Benedict XVI dominated mainstream religion coverage from 2007 2012 (Illustration 1. 1) Media exposure of this magnitude has prompted the Catholic Church to take an aggressive position on mass media communication; gearing a large portion of its mission statement delivery towards a more technologically modern media medium. Accepting the impact of media reports on society, this position allows the church a stronger voice therefore a stronger impact to change the fluctuating perception formed by and through mass media. Many religious leaders have embraced the new data savvy generation and have urged church leaders to take an active role by incorporating current technology into the infrastructure of their worship services. Modern technology is a viable source to reach out to members and other struggling with their religious beliefs. A momentously historical event that has occurred in the world today is the resignation of Pope Benedict WI. As a world religious leader many media outlets have focused reporting on the rumors of possible implications of the Popes retirement amid sexual scandal with members of the clergy. The scandal ertainly Justifies news worthy reporting but has the media focused too much on finger pointing and forgotten the historical meaning behind a religious leader of this magnitude recognizing the extraordinary ability needed to lead followers has been compromised due to health or is the media attempting to redirect the publics focused on bigger issues that are effecting our nation, such as the sequestration? Kaur, M. (2009, nov 02). Media, Film, Music and Religion. Retrieved 02 04, 2013, from Exploring the Holy in Hollywood: http://religionandmediacourse. blogspot. com/ 2009/11 [exploring-holy-in-hollywood. ml Paulus PP. , l. (1989, 05 07). Message of the Holy Father John Paul II. Retrieved 02 04, 2013, from Religion in the Mass Media: http://www. vatican. va/holy_father/]ohn_paul_ii/messages/communications/ documents/hf_Jp-ii_mes_24011989_world-communications-day_en. html Sterin, C. J. (2012). Mass Media Revolution. New York: University of Maryland University College Campbel l, H. A. (2010). When Religion Meets New Media. New York: Routledge. Hosseini, S. H. (2008). Religion and Media, Religious Media, or Media Religion: Theoretical Studies. Journal Of Media Religion, 7(1/2), 56-69. doi:10. 1080/ Corrigan, J. Morgan, D. , Silk, M. , Williams, R. H. (2006). ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND THE STUDY OF AMERICAN RELIGION. Religion At-nencan culture, 16(1), 1-24. stolow, J. (ed. ) (2008). Deus in Machina: Religion and Technology in Cross Cultural Perspective. New York: Fordham University Press. McLuhan, M. (1964). Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. New York: McGraw Hill. Underwood, D. (2001). Secularists or Modern Day Prophets? : Journalists Ethics and the Judeo-Christian Tradition. Journal Of Mass Media Ethics, 16(1), 33-47 http://www. pewresearch. org/2013/02/12/pope-benedict- over-the-years-news-coverage-by-the-numbers/

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Red King Crab Facts and Identification

Red King Crab Facts and Identification They are the biggest and most sought-after shellfish in Alaska. What are they? Red king crab. Red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus)  is one of several king crab species. They entice fishers and seafood consumers with their snow-white (edged by red), flavorful meat. If youre a fan of reality TV, you might be familiar with red king crab, as they are one of two species (along with snow, or opilio crab) fished on Deadliest Catch. What Do King Crabs Look Like? As youd probably guess from the name, red king crab have a reddish carapace that can vary from brownish to dark red or burgundy. They are covered in sharp spines. These are the largest crab in Alaska. Since they dont expend as much energy in reproduction, males can grow much larger than females. Females can weigh up to about 10.5 pounds. The largest male on record weighed 24 pounds and had a leg span of about 5 feet.   These crabs have three pairs of legs used for walking and two claws. One claw is larger than the other and is used for crushing prey.   While it may not be apparent, these crabs are descended from hermit crab ancestors. Like hermit crabs, a red king crabs back end is twisted to one side (more drastically in hermit crabs, so they can fit into the gastropod shells that provide their shelter), they have one claw larger than the other, and their walking legs all point backward.   How Do You Distinguish Male King Crabs from Females? How do you tell males from females? There is one easy way: To keep crab populations healthy, only male red king crabs can be harvested, so if youre eating a king crab, it is most likely a male. In addition to size differences, males can be distinguished from females by the flap on their underside, which is triangular in males and rounded in females (this flap is larger in females because it is used to carry eggs).   Classification Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ArthropodaSubphylum: CrustaceaClass: MalacostracaOrder: DecapodaFamily: LithodidaeGenus: ParalithodesSpecies: P. camtschaticus Where Do Red King Crabs Live? Red king crabs are a cold water species native to the Pacific Ocean, although they were also intentionally introduced into the Barents Sea 200. In the Pacific Ocean, they are found from Alaska to British Columbia and Russia to Japan. They are usually found in waters less than 650 feet deep.   What Do Red King Crabs Eat? Red king crabs feed on a variety of organisms, including algae, worms, bivalves (e.g., clams and mussels), barnacles, fish, echinoderms (sea stars, brittle stars, sand dollars) and even other crabs.   How Do Red King Crabs Reproduce? Red king crabs reproduce sexually, with internal fertilization. Mating occurs in shallow water. Depending upon their size, females can produce between 50,000 and 500,000 eggs. During mating, males grasp the female and fertilize the eggs, which she carries on her abdominal flap for 11-12 months before they hatch. Once they hatch, the red king crab larvae look similar to shrimp.  They can swim, but are largely at the mercy of tides and currents. They go through several molts over 2-3 months and then metamorphose into a glaucothoe, which settles to the ocean bottom and metamorphoses into a crab that spends the rest of its life on the ocean bottom. As they grow, red king crabs molt, which means they lose their old shell and form a new one.  During its first year, a red king crab will molt up to five times.  These crabs are sexually mature at about 7 years old. These crabs are estimated to live up to 20-30 years.   Conservation, Human Uses, and the Famous Crab Fishery After sockeye salmon, red king crab is the most valuable fishery in Alaska.  The crab meat is eaten as crab legs (e.g., with drawn butter), sushi, or in a variety of other dishes.   Red king  crabs are caught in heavy metal pots in a fishery that is famous for its dangerous seas and weather. To read more about red king crab fishing, click here.   Deadliest Catch- a crustacean lovers favorite reality series- tells the harrowing at-sea adventures of the captains and crew on  6 boats. But there were 63 boats in the Bristol Bay red king crab fishery in 2014. These boats caught the 9 million pound quota of crab in about  four weeks. Much of that crab is shipped to Japan.   As for the U.S., it is likely the red king crab you eat isnt caught by the fishermen on the Deadliest Catch  boats. According to, in 2013, 80 percent  of the red king crab sold in the U.S. was caught in Russia.   Threats to Red King Crab Populations Although catches of red king crab are steady at the moment,  recent reports  show they are vulnerable to  ocean acidification, a lowering of the oceans pH, which makes it difficult for crabs and other organisms to form their exoskeleton.   Sources Ahyong, S. 2014.  Ã‚  (Tilesius, 1815)Paralithodes camtschaticus. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species.Alaska Department of Fish and Game.  Red King Crab  (). Accessed January 30, 2015.  Paralithodes camtschaticusAlaskan King Crab Company. How to Cook and Prepare Alaskan King Crab Legs. Accessed January 30, 2015.  Carroll, S. B. 2011. A Lesson of Genealogy: Looks Can Be Deceiving. New York Times. Accessed January 30, 2015.  Christie, L. 2012. Deadliest Catch Not So Deadly Anymore. CNN Money. Accessed January 30, 2015.NOAA FishWatch. Red King Crab.  Accessed January 30, 2015.  Soley, S. 2013.  From Ocean to Plate: The Life of the Red King Crab. EarthZine. Accessed January 30, 2015.Stevens, B. J. Adaptations of Crabs to Life in the Deep Sea. NOAA Ocean Explorer. Accessed January 30, 2015.  Welch, L.  Fish Factor: Strong 2015 forecasts for pollock, Bristol Bay salmon. Alaska Journal of Commerce. Accessed January 30, 2015.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Television and Effect on Children Research Paper

Television and Effect on Children - Research Paper Example Constant television viewing by children comes with physical, mental, and emotional ramifications that have been proven to have lasting effects on children if ongoing television viewing is not put to an end. The consequences will be revealed throughout this paper, as well as ways to prevent the consequences from taking place. Physical Ramifications Obesity has become one of the greatest health concerns among children in this day and age, and it has been directly connected to children spending more time in front of the television than outside being active. A massive lack of physical exercise and the need to be eating while watching television has caused children to weigh more now than they have in previous years. The longer that these two activities exist together, the more, and the quicker, that a child’s health is capable of failing. Television is not what it used to be. When the television was first introduced in homes, there were only a handful of television stations and a s imilar number of television shows, most of which were news channels. Nowadays, there are over one hundred easily accessed television channels and almost four times the amount of television shows, many of which are directed at the younger audiences (Liebert et al, 1988) and are usually available roughly around the time that most children are released from school. The television studios know exactly what they are doing when they air certain shows at certain time. As such, children have found it possible to sit in front of the television and watch show after show without even a hint of a break at times that are most convenient for them: when they are most likely to be at home. This ability to be constantly watching television has caused an increase in the amount of time that children spend in front of the television and, similarly, a decrease in the amount of time spent engaging in physical activities, such as sports or simply running around with their friends. This also causes childre n to begin to associate television with good activities and exercise as more of a chore. It is common for people to want to eat while they watch television and movies, and when children sit in front of the television as often as they do, they enjoy many unhealthy snacks and meals while enjoying their television shows. This holds especially true when they come home from school; they crave both something to eat and something to allow themselves to unwind after a long day of school. Excessive eating and a lack of physical activity can cause children to gain great amounts of weight over short amounts of time. The diets of children is another area of concern; most children are not being fed the proper types of food, so they often go for the greasy, fatty snacks while they are watching television. Again, after school snacks often consist of unhealthy snacks in large quantities. Even if their meals throughout the day are healthy, constant snacking of fattening foods can only build up in th e bodies of these children, and if they are not exercising, they are not getting rid of that unhealthy weight. In essence, the longer that children sit in front of the television, the more unhealthy food they are likely to eat. The consequence of the two aforementioned issues is that children gain